5 March 2021 Our first 100 days ……
Dear valued members,
Greetings from ACSA and trust that this message finds you and your respective teams well.
On 26 November 2020, you entrusted my team by electing us to serve you for the term 2020/2022. We thank you for bestowing your trust and faith in us.
Most of us were serving in the previous term of office. We quickly got down to work, continuing with the projects that were planned out earlier. There were no disruptions in the transition.
In the last 100 days in office, we had organised the ACSA – SBF Foundation Compassion Fund Donors’ Appreciation – the first physical event after our AGM. We held a Virtual Outreach Session on the Elective Competencies for SAGE beyond 2020. By now, you would have received news from PLRD that SAGE has bee renamed as SACE ( Security Agencies Competencies Evaluation). PLRD is expected to host an Outreach Session sometime in April 2021. PLRD will share the details nearer the date.
Since we took office, we have increased communicating with you, by providing regular updates and eliciting feedback from you. We seek your active support.
Plans are underway to regularly update our website and FB to be current. We have also embarked on an exercise to get an update of your company details. This will provide an excellent platform to be current and continue to communicate with you.
Since January 2021, we have been approving and dispensing a one time grant under the ACSA-SBF Foundation Compassion Fund, to deserving officers who are Singaporeans/ Singapore PRs. For those who have not nominated, please do so.The Compassion Fund is meant for your deserving officers.
We have established an ACSA Compassion Fund Xtend with the hope of providing continuous support to our officers whenever the needs arise. We will announce the details when it is finalised.
The second run of the ACSA Security Industry Transformation Awards(SITA) will be held soon. Look out for details, which is expected to be released soon.
I am also delighted to share that some of ACSA ExCo members and i have commenced our journey on a familiarisation visit to our members. We are seizing the opportunity to get better acquainted with our members and better understand their operations and challenges it any .During our visits, we were received by the key management team members of the agencies. Our hosts were receptive and willingly shared about their concerns and opportunities. They were forthcoming about their ideas on how the industry could be improved. Till today, we have visited about 20 members, the visits proved to be insightful and given us a better understanding of our members. We will continue to call on our members to have a better grasp of the ground.
In the last 100 days , our team members have had meetings with the various government departments and discussed on the betterment of the security industry.
We also met with MHA’s Minister of State Mr Desmond Tan and would be meeting MOM’s Senior Minister of State , Mr Zaqy Mohamed on 17 March 2021.This is a true reflection on the open communication line we have adopted with our stakeholders.
Work is in progress to ensure that our officers are not victims of abuse whilst they are on active duty.
We are also engaged to work on the strategies to engage our service buyers in the private sector to adopt the Outcome Based Contracts (OBC). For now the OBC appears to be the most feasible system to reap the best security outcomes.The journey appears to tumultuous but we are certain that our service buyers will embrace it, after appreciating the benefits it has to offer.
This is a glimpse of our report card of our first 100 days in office. We seek you to continuously share your thoughts with us through our secretariat. An open line of communication is a great mode for a heathy relations between ACSA and you – our members.
We will sincerely serve you to improve the industry.
John Vijayan Vasavan